This program is a 15-week psycho-educational group that focuses on providing alcohol awareness for DWI/IDUI offenders who have been assessed as non-problem drinkers.
The Goals of the DWI/DUI education program:
My Convenant Place Non profit organization. Designed by Nextop Agency
Due to recent events, on behalf of My Covenant Place, we would like to express our condolences to the families that lost loved ones due to the acts of violence perpetrated by the police. At My Covenant Place we don’t condone violence or racial prejudices in any form. We stand in solidarity with the protesters and law enforcement that oppose the injustices of their colleagues. As we confront this problem BLACK men and women have faced since arrival in this country, we hope the most recent events will spark a nationwide dialogue with the intent to end racial profiling and discrimination of our black men and women. We hope these events will be the catalyst to bring a torn nation together.