Court Ordered

 The Alpha Project, a key initiative of My Covenant Place, is designed to support individuals mandated by court orders, employer requests, or personal choice to participate in rehabilitative classes. As a certified and court-approved program, we offer specialized classes in domestic violence, anger management, and parenting.

Our Objectives

  • Ending Family Violence and Abuse: We aim to break the cycle of domestic violence and promote healthier family dynamics.
  • Managing Anger Effectively: Our program assists participants in recognizing anger triggers, understanding their personal anger style, and developing improved communication and negotiation skills.

Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect: A key focus is to prevent both primary and secondary father-perpetrated child abuse and neglect.


Referral Process:

Community agencies and individuals can initiate the enrollment process for an individual into Alpha Project Services by submitting a referral through the My Covenant Place Intake form here.

Completing Required Documentation

  • After scheduling the intake appointment, individuals will also receive an email with instructions and links to complete necessary intake paperwork, which is accessible via computer or mobile device.
  • Individuals must ensure they provide copies of requested documents and that all sections of the intake paperwork are fully completed. Incomplete forms, or those with missing information, will not be processed.
  • Registration and intake paperwork must be completed 24 hours before the appointment, or it may be canceled.

Intake Assessment Scheduling

  • MCP staff will review the referral and contact the referred individual with instructions to schedule a telehealth intake assessment via My Covenant Place’s appointment portal here
  • After scheduling the intake assessment appointment, a confirmation email with the appointment details and telehealth session link will be sent to the individual.

Statement of Charges

  • Reviewing the Statement of Charges is a critical part of the intake process, helping MCP staff to understand the circumstances that led to referral for Alpha Project Services.
  • Acceptable documents include:
    • Statement of Charges
    • Police Report
    • Court Documents (detailing charges and incident background)
    • Detailed summary from a social worker or referral source explaining the incident

Note: Documentation that fails to clearly explain the incident will be deemed insufficient. Individuals are highly encouraged to coordinate with the referral source to provide appropriate documentation in advance of scheduled appointments.

Alpha Project Program Fees

  • Payment of a non-refundable $35 intake fee is required before the intake assessment appointment. 
  • Alpha Project program participants must pay a mandatory weekly group fee, which is calculated based on their income.  There are no exemptions to this fee requirement.
  • Before the intake assessment participants must upload to client portal one of the following to calculate weekly group fee:
    • Two most recent paystubs
    • An income statement
    • A letter from the individuals income source confirming earnings
    • A Zero Income Statement (provided in the intake paperwork)
  • If uploading through the MCP portal is not feasible, documents may be submitted to referral@mycovenantplace.org

Referral Form

Referral sources: Fill out this referral form and email to referral@mycovenantplace.org.

Intake Assessment and Program Eligibility

  • The intake assessment includes a review of documentation, a thorough biopsychosocial interview, and risk screening for appropriate program placement and identifying individual participant needs.
  • Eligible individuals are accepted, informed of their start date, and undergo mandatory orientation. The referral source is notified of the enrollment.
  • Once eligibility requirements are met, the referred individual is notified of enrollment, program start date, and requirements for completing a mandatory orientation session. The referral source is also notified of enrollment status.

This comprehensive intake process is designed to facilitate a smooth and effective transition for individuals referred to My Covenant Place by community agencies, ensuring an individual’s successful engagement and participation in MCP’s Alpha Project Services.