The Alpha Project is a local project of My Covenant Place. This project focuses on servicing individuals who are required to take classes per a court order, at the request of their employer, or for personal reasons. We are a certified and court approved program that offers domestic violence classes, anger management classes, and parenting classes for individuals.
Our goals are to:
All clients are screened during an intake and assessment to ensure clients are in the appropriate program. If this determination is found, the client will be flagged and recommended to the appropriate service program.
Alternative Behavior Circle is designed to support women who have been violent in a relationship. Whether court ordered or voluntarily referred, these women are challenged to examine and take responsibility for their violent behavior. We help women cultivate and achieve honest insight into the context for the violence.
In some instances, battered women may become more inclined to use violence in an attempt to defend themselves. Other women have used violence to avoid the next possible beating. This 15-week group focuses is on domestic violence education, safety planning, healthy parenting, anger management, responsibility for behavioral choices, and alternatives to violence.
We are not only committed to keeping victims and children safe, but also strengthening families by providing parents and/or caretakers with the skills they need to raise children in violent free homes. This group origin was designed to fill a significant gap in services to maximize the safety and well-being of children and their mothers. This 15-week parenting group is an intervention program designed to help improve parenting skills for men who have abused or neglected their children or exposed them to the abuse of their mothers. This intervention focuses on helping men end the use of abusive parenting strategies, recognize attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that support healthy and unhealthy father-child relationships, and begin to appreciate the impact of child maltreatment and domestic violence on children.The curriculum draws from best practices in the fields of batterer intervention, parenting, behavior change, child maltreatment, and working with resistant clients.
The Abuser Intervention Program is designed to challenge the abusers violent behavior(s), as well as, their non-violent yet abusive behavior(s) by changing the perpetrators world-view. This group uses a two-stage curriculum. The goal of Stage I is to help break through abusers denial. It is didactic in nature and asks the client to learn a “new language.”They learn the vocabulary of domestic violence; they define abusive relationships, and they identify their own abusive behaviors. In Stage II, clients learn to live a “new culture.” Their beliefs about relationships are challenged, their role in the relationship is carefully considered, and their need to control and always be right is examined. Successful completion from the program requires more than mere attendance. Clients are expected to achieve the following goals:
Clients in both stages must also complete weekly homework assignments. Prior to completing Stage I, the client must successfully complete a quiz of Stage I material and write a mock letter to the sentencing judge. The purpose of this exercise is to assist the client with solidifying information learned in Stage I.
The Anger/Aggression curriculum is designed for individuals who have difficulty controlling their anger in any relationship or arena of their lives. It is the position of My Covenant Place’s Alpha Project that individuals with anger/aggression management problems are at risk for becoming involved with domestic violence. As a preventative approach, we aim to assist these individuals who are likely to have control issues in intimate relationships as well.However, these individuals are not primarily abusers because they will display anger with anyone. We screen applicants for this program to make certain they are not more appropriate for the offender program.
This group is a 12-week counseling/psycho-educational program designed to assist individuals with identifying triggers for their anger/aggression and develop more positive responses and coping mechanisms. By providing this service, we hope to avert possible family violence.
Details about the Alpha Project Abuser Intervention Program (AIP) are below.
Failure to complete the steps below will result in not being admitted into the program.
Referral sources: Fill out this referral form and email to
REMINDER: You must complete all paperwork that is emailed to you, upload/submit your statement of charges and upload your paystubs or income statement before your scheduled intake. Your appointment will be cancelled if you do not have the necessary paperwork. Details about the paperwork needed are below.
Once your intake appointment is confirmed, you will receive an email with a link to complete your paperwork. This paperwork can completed from your computer or mobile device.
As part of the intake process, we must review your statement of charges to better understand what brought you to the program.
If you’re not able to upload directly to our portal, email the documents to
Please upload at least one of the following documents:
Documentation that does not explain the incident will not be accepted. Please collaborate with your referral source to get the appropriate documentation.
All participants are required to pay a $35 intake fee and a weekly group fee. Your group fee is determined by your income.
If you’re not able to upload directly to our portal, email the documents to
Before your intake appointment, you must upload one or more of the following documents:
Please note, there are no exceptions to the weekly fee requirement. All participants pay a fee based on their income status.
My Convenant Place Non profit organization. Designed by Nextop Agency
Due to recent events, on behalf of My Covenant Place, we would like to express our condolences to the families that lost loved ones due to the acts of violence perpetrated by the police. At My Covenant Place we don’t condone violence or racial prejudices in any form. We stand in solidarity with the protesters and law enforcement that oppose the injustices of their colleagues. As we confront this problem BLACK men and women have faced since arrival in this country, we hope the most recent events will spark a nationwide dialogue with the intent to end racial profiling and discrimination of our black men and women. We hope these events will be the catalyst to bring a torn nation together.